I've been thinking alot recently about what is acheivable.
Ive been on an interesting trip in the past nine months; I wouldn't ahve changed it for anything. Most of all, I've come to the conclusion that I limit myself far too much. By what I deem to be achievable.
It seems to be unmistakably clear that whenever I go for "gold", by the time it has been accomplished God has doubled or tripled my efforts without blinking.
I am begining to realise that I might have been limiting the Holy Spirit in all of it, too.
What if I just start out with bigger goals? What can be acheivable then?
If it is actually acheivable by my standards, Could it all be a load of tosh?
Too many questions.
I've been coming off of a dry skid recently. Sometimes when I feel like I can't get through to God myself, I pray for someone else.
Sometimes when I feel like I can't get through to God, I just keep ploughing through the Word. Sometimes I listen to my friends talk about Him, and I get it again.
Recently, I realised that if I started using the gifts He gave me, we would connect again.
So writing became co-writing.
Creating became co-creating.
Dreaming has become co-dreaming.
Prayer is becoming a tag-team effort.
When I think and pray about Korea, I feel like I have access to an area of God's heart that wasn't obvious to me last time I was there. When I meditate on those good things that I care about, I feel like I have a passage point to the secret place.
I've been jamming with a band called Epiphanic recently. It has reminded me just how much I love to make music.
I made a promise to God in July when I bought a cheap little Russian camera in Bangkok. I told Him that I wanted to use it to bring him credit.
Realising that He is the source of all my creativity, all limits have been violently punctured, and the possibilities with this funny little camera seem endless.
What if the same thing were to happen with my guitar? My pen? My computer?
What would our walk together look like then?