Saturday, December 10

more amazing nk stuff

Found some stunning footage on the net of Chinese president Hu Jin Tao's recent visit to Pyongyang North Korea.
The footage almost certainly comes from the state's main broadcasting channel (note the Juche flame logo in the top corner).
Interesting things to note: Hu Jin Tao appears to be the first Chinese leader to have his wife accompany him on official visits; Hu's offer of a handshake to the first girl; the deep and extended bowing and of course the extaordinary mobilisation of pretty much everyone in the city for the occasion.
Oh and the extended boulevards are apparently designed to manouvre tanks around the city in war time.

Just as exciting for myself (although perhaps not for other readers of this blog) is the update from these pictures that surfaced on the internet about a year ago (North Korean refugees in Beijing trying to gain asylum at the Japanese embassy and escape forced [illegal] repatriation back to North Korea).


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