Sunday, March 18


Lower left six.
Lower left six is no more.

After a failed root canal, years of irritation, months of aggravation, weeks of pain and a few sleepless nights lower left six is gone.Dr Levy successfully removed lower left six last thursday. I don't want to go into too much detail but it wasn't completely straightforward. The procedure involved injections, drilling, "shattering", twisting, extracting and stitching. Lots of "ings" are required for this sort of procedure.
I hope to receive a fetching "replacement" at somepoint in the near future.
Audrey is mad at me because apparently teeth are "...important to her"!
I recommend listening to "The Eraser" by Thom Yorke whilst reading this post.

Also, did you catch Tony Blair doing "Am I really bovvered, tho'?!" on Comic Relief the other night?!!

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Tuesday, March 6

more on the world

I find this stuff fascinating.
This is taken from research that redefines a country proportionately according to it's strengths and weaknesses (in different categories).
(From a Daily Mail article).
Alcohol Consumption
HIV Prevalence
House Prices
Military Spending
War and Death
Toy Imports
Toy Exports
Wealth of Nations (1500)
Wealth of Nations (2002)

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Sunday, March 4

brother on brother brutality

This post is certified drivel of the highest order - it's main component superficially comprising of... me! Or rather, my fetching new shirt. (As you can tell from the myspace-ified photo above).

For those of you that were born an elder sibling and thus for the majority of your lives enjoyed superior physical prowess and dominance in the household food chain, let it be known that this position does not last forever.
For instance, in an effort to re-exert alpha male territory at my parents' place last weekend (due mainly to the diminishing supplies of dr pepper - chief culprit being my bruv), I attempted to lay down a little brother-on-brother brutality.
Except things didn't go according to plan, or at least how they used to... six years ago.

In the end, we ended up grappling towards a stalemate, before *bosh*!
*bosh*! is the sound a smoshy nose creates when it makes contact with a pointy appendage at a high speed.
He bled on my shirt.
My new shirt!!
And then attempted to throw me down the stairs.
I love playfights though, hadn't had a good one in ages even if I did lose and get my new shirt bled on.
Rarrrghhhh, my new shirt has blood on it!!

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