Sunday, March 4

brother on brother brutality

This post is certified drivel of the highest order - it's main component superficially comprising of... me! Or rather, my fetching new shirt. (As you can tell from the myspace-ified photo above).

For those of you that were born an elder sibling and thus for the majority of your lives enjoyed superior physical prowess and dominance in the household food chain, let it be known that this position does not last forever.
For instance, in an effort to re-exert alpha male territory at my parents' place last weekend (due mainly to the diminishing supplies of dr pepper - chief culprit being my bruv), I attempted to lay down a little brother-on-brother brutality.
Except things didn't go according to plan, or at least how they used to... six years ago.

In the end, we ended up grappling towards a stalemate, before *bosh*!
*bosh*! is the sound a smoshy nose creates when it makes contact with a pointy appendage at a high speed.
He bled on my shirt.
My new shirt!!
And then attempted to throw me down the stairs.
I love playfights though, hadn't had a good one in ages even if I did lose and get my new shirt bled on.
Rarrrghhhh, my new shirt has blood on it!!

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Blogger joanna said...

yesterday we had a low key birthday brunch for wade with ange and leigh and at one point in the festivities, sophia was making some sort of exerting noise and wade said 'beeennnddd!!!" and we all laughed and thought fond thoughts of you.

hence, i laughed even harder today (out loud) when i reading this...
you're funny.
(and a bit odd, actually - did you say it was a PLAY fight and you were bleeding?) this must be a guy thing, i think.

your sister jo

10:02 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

i have this thing where i hate boogers.
i'm not like grossed out by them or anything, but i don't like to look at them in people's noses.
a few months ago, i told my boyfriend he had a boogie and it was gross, but he couldn't get it so he let me try to get it... i know, gross... but i pick toddlers noses all day at work, so it's no big deal...
but there was some freak slippage and i ended up with my finger halfway up his nose and he ended up with a bloody nose.
for some reason your story reminded me of that day.

miss you larph.

8:13 am  
Blogger Larph said...

wow, that's a hardcore nose pick there, kat.
you didn't get any brain tissue stuck under your finger nail, did you?

6:51 pm  

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