Friday, January 13


It looks like there will be alot more territory up for grabs in the upcoming 2006 Canadian federal Election.
*Tsk Tsk, only joking.*

I was trying to find out what kind of a manifesto each party was putting out, but I really couldnt make head or tail of it, even at their respective websites.
So, I have come to a few elementary conclusions based on their televised propa, er adverts.

I think that The Liberals are banking on a strong anti handgun stance as well as their decent trackrecord for balancing budgets. As far as their tv ads go, it looks like they would like you to believe that Stephen Harper may not be capable of operating a simple calculator.

Conservatives are on an anti-corruption bent. And quietly increasing friendliness with the neighbours to the south.

I haven't figured anything out about Jack Layton except that he likes young people, old people, and maintains a well groomed moustache.


Blogger Ryan said...

Welcome to Canada. i miss preston manning

12:28 am  

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