Thursday, March 31

Packing pt2: Dispelling a myth

It's official.

After years of to-ing and fro-ing, I can officially confirm that "flat-packing" is a far more economic form of packing compared to the "rolling" method.

I packed my suitcase over the weekend first using the time honoured "rolling" method, and then re-packing using the same clothes and employing the "flat-packing" approach.

To be more specific, I found I had at least a half-cubic foot of extra space in my case, allowing the addition of a few socks and an extra pair of shoes.

In other news my ticket to Asia has been purchased, and I arrive in Hong Kong on monday/tuesday depending on time differences. I'll be travelling with a small group, and we are all extremely excited and anticipating a fantastic experience.

China and East Asia has been on my mind and heart for many years... what will happen when the souls of my feet finally touch the land? I'll be in Hong Kong for 2 weeks before moving onto Kunming in Yunnan province.

I'll keep you posted. Assuming there is anyone out there who is reading this.

If someone blogs in the Amazon, and there is no-one to read it...?

*For those of you not familiar with various packing methods, flat-packing is a reference to laying out shirts, trousers etc in the case flat as opposed to rolled. Self explanitory, really.*

Sunday, March 27

Rules to packing up your stuff.

Well, it's not how I had originally envisaged my easter weekend.

But, if you're moving out of your appartment, then surely the most fundamental bulletpoint on your list is that of packing your belongings. Or possibly not?

My appartment is full of tidbits-and-tat left over from previous short term occupants over the course of the past year. Would my roomates notice mine anymore than the rest of it?

Better to do the right thing.
Anyway, how did I imagine my easter weekend in the first place? As I scan the further reaches of my subconciousness, I unearth a quasideveloped fantsy involving myself, half a dozen hot cross buns and a fondue set.
And is that Elvis crash landing a UFO with Bigfoot in the passenger seat over there?

There is a good rule to packing. I've learnt it over the course of my ten or eleven moves in hte last four years.
Be ruthless.
If you haven't used it in the past 6 months, chuck it. Fling it, mate.
You don't need it.
I've tried to keep myself restricted to a 2 suitcases and 2 bags framework. Keeps me mobile.

Packing up a place always seems to tug on the heart strings a bit (were you to believe that I owned any). But the one thing that is keeping me happy right now is the thought of being in Asia next week.

Just to let you know where I am at: still in vancouver, and waitlisted for a flight to Hong Kong next week. I won't know exactly when I leave until this tuesday when the travel agent returns from easter weekend festivities.
The money has come together for the plane ticket. PTL!!

I also had somewhat of an epiphany regarding what I am now referring to as "the cosmic tractor beam".

Back to the packing.

Sunday, March 13


A new issue of my newsletter "Ralph's update' is finally complete and has been sent out.

Please email me and let me know if you would like me to send you a copy...
