Saturday, October 29


Finally back.

Absolutely knackered, but enjoyed the week thoroughly.
Just went through my emails and successfully addressed more than 600, most of which had been sitting on the side whilst I was away nagging at me. Feels good to have knocked it off.

As for the weird stuff? Well, intercession in y has always been a bit weird, hasn't it? But that's okay, and as long as God gets the credit, I don't mind.
There was one weird worship session that didnt sit right with me (dodgy theological instructions from over excited rocknroll showman) -quote- "I'm a fan of the old school endings!!! *BAAADAAAMM!!!!* (Motions with guitar) and ended up with me forking out to fix my guitar at the end of it, but generally speaking, the week was great.

Fred was a great, provocative challenge.
Lots of cognitive information for me to digest and process (a welcome relief from "feely" stuff!)
Lots of people stirred and pondering on their role in missions, 10/40 and the will of God in their life.


Blogger jamie said...

your post made me laugh.. good memories.

rock and roll.

8:17 pm  

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