breakfast substitute
It's just been a rather mundane week altogether, really.
Another week done and dusted, 2 down, 2 to go.
Forgive my lack of enthusiasm, as I too excuse myself.
I have been on the road for 134 days straight, now.
Slept in some amazing places, some strange places, some leaky places and some that were just downright suspect.
A friend of mine was trying to find the cheapest accommodation available in Hong Kong a couple of years ago.
He ended up renting a small place with a couple of friends before realising that they had actually paid to live in somone else's appartment - clothes and accoutrements scattered everywhere.
Where the original occupant was was anybody's guess.
Fortunately nothing like that for myself, however.
The camp is going well, most of the kids are fun to be around.
Some have way too much energy. I realised on wednesday that a couple of the boys were substituting a proper breakfast with sugar.
Just plain sugar saches from the coffee condiments bar.
They proceeded to demonstrate for the better part of a day that Screaming Lord Sutch never fully had the monopoly on maddder-than-a-marzipan-doorknob.
The browser here is completely in korean; I am not able to update my posts all too often.
I resign tol try harder.
This afternoon I am off to visit a church which boasts an attendance of 60,000 (that's medium-sized here apparently), and then I will be meeting friends in Kangnam.
Peace in the far east.
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