Thursday, January 25

A river

With electricity rationed to only portions of the city of an evening, at around 9pm I used to go out and lay on the concrete outside the hotel, counting the satellites that skirted across the deep dark sky.
From my little London window, in my little London living space, I can't see any satellites. I can't even see any stars. Because I live in a corner of this planet that affords it's inhabitans and myself freedoms and wealth alike. We're all quite fortunate to live in places like this. Even if we can't always see the stars.

I am quite aware how contrived this can sound in blog-dom, but honestly, who gives a fig?
I have been swept up and pushed under, a mighty rushing river of grace and life has caught a full hold of me. I can't remember the last time I slept without either a pillow under - or a roof over - my head.
God, I think you're brilliant.

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Sunday, January 21

long and lost

Hmmn, I don't really have anything particualrly interesting to post into this space, but why break a habit?!
Life at the moment has changed drastically, with alot of commuting between home, work, my parents', downtown, home again etc. The pace of life has sped up, although I can't say I'm disappointed. I think Ive surprised myself even with how comfortable it has been slotting back into the London life, however transient a time that may be for.
It's been interesting reading some of the blogs from back in the 'couve - I'm an outsider looking in, now. But positive vibrations and a thousand Fonzy thumbs-up for the Y Family and all the changes they are currently going through.

Whilst rummaging around in a cupboard at my parents' place, I happened upon a long lost friend.
Amongst other useless wonders: Boxes of VHS and cassette tapes; Courentey Cox poster (x2); Guns N Roses Belt Buckle; Sony Cassette Walkman; Maths Textbooks.

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Sunday, January 7

Did this really happen?

Did BC Place really colappse because someone decided not to turn the heater on?
Confirmation, please!!
Somewhere in The Lower Mainland, a monster trucks fan is weeping tears of hot pain right now.

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Monday, January 1

My Shameless-End-Of-The-Year-List

One of my favourite ways to unwind from a busy day is to nip in the shower, kick back in my sole Ikea purchase (a Poang, whatever that is), and mine the web for an hour. Or maybe more.

Anyways, 2006 was the year of web 2.0, and OMFG Band. Wagon. Jumped. On. I. Did.
I'm always interested in new and creative web thingies, and I thought I would compile a short list of my funnest discoveries for last year. Perhaps they may be of some use to you, perhaps not. Most of all, if you think there might be something I'd be interested in, leave a comment or something.

Speed hack
Most useful extensions
I want a Firefox extension to...

The Best Opensource Mac Software
Pure Mac10 Ways to Trick out your Mac

Get your Geek on
Default wifi Password List
Test your Bandwidth Speed
Convert any file type to pretty much any file type

InterestingList of paradoxes
NationMaster Stats
Famous Photgraphs

Best Finds of Last Year

FreeWare Games

Top Tube
Channel Chooser

The Curry House

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